The amount of KuCoin bonus is calculated based on the amount of asset held at 0:00 on a daily basis and the trading fee of Ku [...] Read More...
This information is also in the comments of CoinCollector Page :
For All CoinCollector Users Having Problems With BLANK Claim Success
CoinCollector V6 now has 4 built in scrapers and makes it extremely easy to find and build large faucet lists, ..
However it is a good idea to check or monitor a freshly scraped list to make sure that you only use faucets that you know are not down, out of funds etc..
there is a checkbox for each faucet to enable/disable so that the user can disable (or remove) any faucets causing problems.
I have made it as easy as possible for users to scrape many faucets that would usually take a considerable amount of time to build manually, but it is up to the user to fish out or find the good ones, ..
Very much the same any other Scraping and Autoprocessing bots/software available today, .. Article Marketing Robot, SeNuke and Magic Submitter just to name a few off the top of my head, on any campaign submission with any of the software mentioned its submission success rate is around 30% on a good day with an "unchecked" list,
Although the software mentioned above and CoinCollector have very different uses, the process is very similar in that they both scrape, process and automate.
If this sounds like too much of a task to check your lists (it does get a bit boring sometimes of course) then I would suggest that you only search/scrape faucets that have "Solve Media" captchas and no "Anti-Bot" links, these types of faucets have a much higher success rate.
1 Crash (caused by faucet ads)
1 Faucet Error
1 Successful claim
And including balance check for proof of successful claim.
Video ..
CoinCollector Faucet Examples [Crash / Success / Error]
Explanation ..
I have included the 3 specific faucets in this demo to show 3 main examples.
1 Crash (caused by faucet ads)
I included this particular faucet because it causes a browser crash due to the amount of ads on the page, ..
This is not a fault of CoinCollector and should be removed to prevent future problems.
1 Faucet Error
I included this specific faucet to show that this happens with a lot of faucets, .. unfortunately i cut the middle a few seconds short which would have shown me highlighting error text after a "Successful claim" which stated "Unknown Error" ..
Again this is not a fault with CoinCollector it is a fault within the faucet site itself in which I have no control over.
In this case you should either contact the faucet owner and report the issue with their faucet or remove from CoinCollector to prevent further problems
1 Successful claim
This is an example of 1 type of supported, working, reliable faucet, I quickly switch to the faucet to show the successful claim.
Balance / Claim check
After the 3 faucets were complete I then switch to the Balance section of CoinCollector to show proof of the successful claim.
CoinCollector has both Debug Mode and Manual captcha only option, when used together you can check in real time exactly what is happening without wasting captcha credits with unchecked faucet lists.
Here are a few more examples of faucet types that is supported by CoinCollector :
*NOTICE -> You need to check through the faucets BEFORE using*
If you are having trouble finding faucets that are supported or have a list of faucets that you personally use that are not supported then you may be interested in CC-Builder which can be used to create automation scripts to use in CoinCollector.
CC-Builder is an automation script creator that requires no coding skills and can be used to automate almost any type of faucet AND other sites/web pages.
*CC-Builder Includes CoinCollector
Hopefully this can help those of you who seem to be struggling to find supported faucets.
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