INFO - Error "License Activations Exceeded" or "Invalid License"

BEFORE contacting support please see this section

" HELP (COMMON FIX STEPS) - My bot is not working properly or Wont Load !! ( COMMON FIX STEPS "


License Errors are caused by :

  1. AV/Firewall blocking a software/bot from contacting the licensing server
  2. AV/Firewall deleting/removing "license.lic" file upon activating
  3. Exceeding your allowed license limit for a software/bot


Steps you can take :

  • Make sure you are running the bot as "Administrator" 
  • Make sure you have a compatible Microsoft .NET Framework (See "COMMON FIX STEPS" above)
  • You can reset your license manually via your ACB account area :

If a license error still exists please delete the "license.lic" (if existing in program folder) file and re-submit your license details from your License email.



Last Resort - Manual License creation

If for whatever reason you are unable to add or edit your antivirus/firewall whitelist here are instructions for creating your license manually :

  1. Right click anywhere blank in the main program folder (where *YOUR_ACB_BOT*.exe and license files are)
  2. Create a New "text" file (Windows notepad will open)
  3. Copy and paste your license EMAIL into the first line of the blank notepad page and press enter
  4. Copy and paste your license KEY into the second line underneath your license email
  5. Click "File" then "Save As"
  6. Enter "license" as the name
  7. Close notepad
  8. Rename the file you just created (license.txt) to "license.lic"
  9. Click OK to rename (if you see a Windows popup)
  10. Load your ACB software/bot

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